Communique By The National Council On The Administration Of Justice (NCAJ) On The Fight Against Corruption, Enhanced Accountability And Seamless Delivery Of Justice

WE, the members of the NCAJ, convened for a high-level statutory and consultative meeting to strategise on upscaling measures to fight corruption, enhance accountability and seamless delivery of service to the Kenyan people; 

COGNIZANT that we are all collectively bound by the Constitution which requires accountability to the people of Kenya; 


  •  Corruption persists as a complex national challenge and a sustainability threat.
  •  Corruption continues to compromise public institutions and adversely impact on service delivery and economic growth.
  •  Corruption undermines accountability and erodes public trust. 
  •         APPRECIATING that the justice sector plays a crucial role in preventing, investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating corruption cases;

  • ACKNOWLEDGING that a large body of work has been done, including policy, legal and administrative reforms on the fight against corruption and enhanced accountability; 

  • REAFFIRMING the justice sector’s resolve and continued commitment to scaling up efforts to combat corruption and reverse its adverse impacts on society; 

  • NOTING that despite a series of critical interventions undertaken to combat corruption over time, the vice is evolving, hence the need for new approaches to address it; 

  • COMMITED to improve our diverse but collective institutional cooperation mechanisms to address corruption and upscale practice imperatives to embed accountability in all our operations and functions;


  1. Galvanise our collective efforts to provide strategic and focused leadership boldly and decisively in the fight against corruption.
  2. Prioritise systems and processes examination in justice sector agencies to identify corruption risk areas and take remedial measures to seal opportunities for corruption.
  3. Digitise and automate processes within our institutions to secure efficiency, accountability and seamless service delivery.
  4. Collaborate to automate instant traffic fines to address traffic offences to ease backlog and root out abuse of process within the justice sector.
  5. Strengthen inter-agency collaboration and coordination to seal information and communication gaps to facilitate the fight against corruption.
  6. Strengthen NCAJ to efficiently and effectively coordinate the justice sector in the fight against corruption.
  7. Enhance the quality, expeditious and procedural arrests, investigation, prosecution and trial of corruption-related crimes.
  8. Adopt efficient case management systems and prioritize hearing and determination of corruption and economic crimes cases in the Special Anti-Corruption Courts.
  9. Prioritise hearing and determination of corruption-related cases through rapid results initiatives, appropriate funding, relevant training and human resource capital.
  10. Mobilise adequate resources in the justice sector to sustain the efforts to support the fight against corruption, enhanced accountability and efficient service delivery.
  11. Adopt and implement efficient case management systems across all agencies.
  12. Augment public engagement through Court Users Committees nationwide to address emerging challenges, rebuild public trust and fast-track conclusion of anti-corruption cases at the grassroots level.
  13. Develop a framework and roadmap to guide the short, medium and long-term strategies by all actors to address corruption, enhance accountability and seamless delivery of services, culminating into a national anti-corruption conversation. 

  14. Issued at Mombasa this 27th Day of February 2024
    Hon. Justice Martha K. Koome, EGH
    Chief Justice and Chairperson,
    National Council on the Administration of Justice

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