Expression of Interest And Terms Of Reference For Consultancy:  ICJ Kenya Strategic Plan 2025-2029

With our current strategic plan (2021-2024) nearing its expiration, ICJ Kenya acknowledges the critical need to redefine its strategic trajectory to effectively address emerging human rights issues, legal advancements, and societal transformations. The dynamic human rights and legal environment in Kenya and Africa at large presents evolving challenges like digital rights concerns, threats to judicial autonomy, and persistent disparities, underscoring the necessity for a new strategic plan to respond to these shifts.

Through crafting a new strategic plan for (2025-2029), ICJ Kenya seeks to pinpoint and capitalize on opportunities to amplify its impact in advocating for human rights, reinforcing the rule of law, and nurturing good governance, enabling the organization to concentrate its resources on areas where it can effect substantial change.

As a leading advocate for human rights in Kenya, ICJ Kenya remains dedicated to realizing a vision where human rights are protected and upheld for all. Crafting a new strategic plan is essential to align its mission with current needs and strategic goals, enabling a thorough review of past achievements and identification of areas for improvement.

By establishing clear objectives and strategies, ICJ Kenya aims to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency in fulfilling its mission. Moreover, the development of this plan offers an opportunity to engage stakeholders, fostering ownership and alignment to ensure the continued relevance and sustainability of ICJ Ken- ya’s strategic priorities.

The purpose of the consultancy is to engage a consultant/consultancy firm to provide guidance and leadership in facilitating the development of ICJ Kenya’s Strategic Plan for the period (2025-2029).

This strategic plan will serve as a roadmap to articulate ICJ Kenya’s vision, approach, and interventions, ensuring the sustainability of its man- date and alignment with prevailing socio-political and economic contexts in Kenya and the region.

Application Procedure

Expression of Interest (EOI) bids should be sent to and addressed to: The Procurement Committee quoting Reference ICJ Kenya SP/06/2024 as the title on or before 14th June 2024.

Bids received after the deadline will not be considered, and only shortlisted bidders will be contacted. ICJ Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and will not be bound to give reasons for either rejection or acceptance. Any canvassing or giving of false information will lead to automatic disqualification.

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