Accessibility and Stigma: Plight of Persons with Disability

Accessibility and Stigma: Plight of Persons with Disability
Accessibility and Stigma: Plight of Persons with Disability

Global statistics from the World Health Organization indicate that approximately 1.3 billion people have disabilities. At the national level, the Status Report on Disability Inclusion in Kenya provides that nearly one million people in Kenya live with some form of disability. The increasing vulnerabilities faced by persons with disability in Kenya stem from a complex interplay of economic, societal and environmental factors. Disability worsens the poverty level and inequality gap in communities.

The promulgation of the 2010 constitution of Kenya set an entry point for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against all, including based on disability. As a result, in 2018 the government of Kenya committed to tackling stigma and discrimination, inclusion and economic empowerment for persons with disability.

Kenya has made great strides to achieve this vision, through the establishment of special needs schools and accommodations for persons with disability.While the progress is commendable, PWDs continue to suffer unique vulnerabilities that hinder their inclusion in society. This paper will, therefore, evaluate critical factors worsening the lives of persons with disability in Kenya.